We offer the Global Global In-House Centre (GIC) program for businesses that are keen to commit the benefits of offshoring.
Clients will typically need at least 30 staff, but could need 300 or even more.
We offer “Business in a box” with Build/Operate/Transfer
We will do the "Heavy-Lifting" of setting the whole thing up & making sure it has a safe landing

We will be a long term trusted advisor to you to make you successful in India.
There from End to End
Religent there to do most of the “heavy lifting” of setting up the centre
You keep current business on track
Full transparency
Costs vs. Value
Risk vs. Speed
Building trust & collaboration between global teams
No “Us & Them”

Advisory on Planning / Strategy
Advise on location selection
Build High Level Execution plan & Key Risks
Includes risk register
Expected ROI based on prior experience & models
Propose ideal organisational architecture for success
Finalise work to be moved & order of transfer
Build In-House Centre
Set up India legal entity
Find & setup office location for Innovation Centre
Recruit staff to meet target organisational architecture
Provide Interim roles where needed until new staff come on-board
Transition Functions
Help to setup knowledge transfer collateral & plans
Project manage knowledge transfer
Help to rework processes for multi-site & time zone usage
Help to set up Governance
Running the In-House Centre
Participation in on-going Governance & Management
Provide on-going administration

Low Risk
IP & Core business protection
Flexible & Scalable
Lowest Cost
Low cost vs UK/EU/US staffing solutions due to lower pay scales & cost of living
Highest Control
Manage remote team exactly as local teams managed
Same goals
Same governance
Same choices
One Team
Long term working relationships built between home & remote team members
Team aligned with customer success
Remote team members careers directly linked to success of customer
Quality & skill levels of extended team staff members under your direct control
Experience mix & salary levels at your choice
Access to scarce skills in greater numbers than in local regions
Opportunity to add in additional Advisory / Delivery services for de-risking if desired
Expert assistance available – but only if required

Enter your details if you want the GIC info pack:
More detail on the GIC model & Build / Operate / Transfer methods
Examples of the comparative cost of GET model versus:
traditional 3rd party outsource firm
local team setup in UK/EU/US